How to Propagate Daylilies: Find the Easiest Way to Grow More Flowers

We have a strong desire to propagate the plants we like. If you have a lovely plant in your yard, such as Daylily, you’ll undoubtedly have a wish to propagate it.

You want them to spread out and multiply in large numbers. So, you’ll need to know how to propagate a daylily in a simple and successful manner for this.

Therefore, we present you with an article on how to propagate daylilies and enhance the beauty of your garden or backyard. Stay tuned! This doesn’t get boring.

How to Propagate Daylilies

There are two types of procedures: sexual and asexual procedures. The asexual technique, also known as the vegetative method, produces identical clones of the parents since it lacks genes.

In the strand of the generation, there are differences in the sexual attitude. This is due to the fact that it is made by merging two different types of genes.

The most common methods to propagate daylilies are as follows:

1. Propagation by Seed

The first process involves propagation by seed. Select two plants with the best qualities for crossbreeding. Pollen from one plant should be poured on the pistils of other plants.

You can go one step further and wrap the stamen of the plant from which you gather pollen to achieve even better results. This ensures that just the correct pollens are transported to the flower’s ovary.

After crossing, wait for the crossed plant to bloom. It’s time for the seed to expand and create seed pods when the bloom has fully grown and shed its leaves.

The seed pods require around 8 weeks to develop. When the pod of a ripe seed becomes brown, and the seeds turn glossy black, you can collect seeds when they split. Refrigerate them for 3 – 4 weeks to keep them fresh. Then, as required, wet them, and plant them.

2. Root Cuttings

Many gardening experts recommend cutting or prying the roots apart using two garden forks. However, other people have had success soaking the roots in a bucket of water until most of the soil has washed away. The clusters are then much easier to separate.

Take the whole cluster out of the ground. After the dirt has been removed, examine the crown. Start at the outside edge and break it apart into larger clumps.

Reduce the leaf length to one-third to one-half of its original length. Replant. Use a high-phosphorus fertilizer to boost your plant’s growth.

3. Tissue Culture

Before you take a step to the tissue culture process to propagate daylilies, ensure that the following factors are always maintained.

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • pH level
  • Sterilization before and after use
  • Air and water
  • Prevent any fungus or infection

Tissue culture is a little complicated, and growth can only occur if all of the steps are followed to the letter. For this, you’ll need any plant’s developing component, such as a blossoming bud.

Make sure always to sterilize the bud. Tissue culture demands extra sanitation and hygiene concerns. After cleaning, use a test tube to immerse the bud in a nutritious solution.

Check to see if the nutrient solution is suitable for bud growth. Maintain the environment such that the developing bud under observation has the best chance of succeeding.

4. Division Method

Dividing daylilies is the simplest and most adaptable way to reproduce and grow them. It’s the preferred approach, especially when a daylily forms clumps.

If you don’t keep an eye on the clump and don’t divide it, it’ll produce fewer flowers and lose its charm. As a result, the daylily clumps must be separated as soon as feasible.

The best time to separate clumping daylilies is in the early fall. Late spring is also an excellent time to practice, but the greatest time is in early October.

Do You Know How to Fertilize Daylilies?

Daylilies are a popular garden plant, and there are hundreds of kinds to pick from. The plants can tolerate a broad range of soil and light conditions and can live for many years with little care.

Your daylilies won’t need fertilizer if they’re growing in soil that’s high in organic matter. In the spring, you can use a full fertilizer (such as 5-10-5) on typical garden soil. If the soil is still deficient, apply a second time in the late summer or fall.

Avoid putting granular daylily fertilizer on the leaves by applying it to the soil around the plants.

Fertilizing daylilies with wet fertilizer might cause the leaves to burn at the root. There are alternate solutions if you want to start feeding daylilies but don’t want to use commercial fertilizer.

Composted manure and organic compost are also good daylily feeds.

Tips For Growing Daylilies in Containers

Daylilies do well in containers if they have adequate room to grow. There are many different types of daylilies to choose from. They will grow better in a container if you can handle a smaller variety. You can plant daylilies in a container, but they should not be grown in pots smaller than a gallon in general.

Daylilies grown in containers require a lot of water. Container plants dry up faster than their garden counterparts, so you’ll have to water them around once a day in the summer.

Even though daylilies are cold-tolerant, container plants are more susceptible to winter harm. It should be as simple as putting your containers in an unheated garage or basement to keep them safe.

Obviously, the colder the weather, the more protection they’ll need. As soon as spring begins, you may put your pots back in the sun.

Things to Do for Successful Daylilies Propagation

Things to Do for Successful Daylilies Propagation

During the propagation process of daylilies, it’s highly recommended to carry out some tasks for efficient propagation. Down goes some necessary steps which one should follow to breed a vast number of daylilies.

Step 1: Choose the Right Daylilies to Propagate

According to the seasonal patterns of its strap, Daylilies are classed as evergreen, semi-evergreen, or deciduous. In general, evergreen plants are better suited to hotter temperatures.

Only yellow, orange, or russet-colored blooms are found in true daylily species. The color spectrum of daylilies has substantially expanded because of modern breeding.

Very delicate yellow, honey-gold, deep scarlet, gentle lilac, and rich purple are among the options. Some variations have contrasting eyes or bands, as well as blended or mixed colors, stripes, and contrasting eyes or bands.

Choose your version of Daylily and research an innovative way to propagate them. All the methods explained above are also applicable to these types of daylilies.

Step 2: Cut the Stem of the Daylily

The basic of daylily care is an annual clean-up of discarded leaves and stems. This is critical because it keeps the ground clean and avoids or lowers the accumulation of pests and illnesses.

You may do this in late fall or early spring, depending on when you want to work.

Step 3: Strip Off the Leaves

Cutting the unwanted leaves of Daylily will help them in their growth. The ideal time for managing the extra leaves is between late fall and early spring.

This process also helps control the rate of photosynthesis, which enhances the growth rate. It’s also helpful in terms of disease or pest control.


What is the perfect time to divide daylilies?

The perfect time to divide daylilies is when the growth rate is significant. And the most appropriate time for that is early spring or late summer.

Do we need to cut daylilies for winter?

Although this step isn’t really necessary, it has certain advantages. It’ll keep the bed clean and tidy throughout the whole winter.

Why do some daylilies have brown leaves?

Daylily leaf scorch is a relatively frequent physiological problem. There is no fungus, bacterium, or virus that causes it. Growing circumstances, rather, are to blame. Brown leaf tips and splotches on the leaves indicate leaf scorch, which is more noticeable in hot, dry conditions.


That’s it. These are the methods on how to propagate daylilies. You don’t need to be an expert in any approach. All you need to do is follow the procedures carefully.

If you practice and propagate a few daylilies using any method, you will have the confidence to do so in the future. Because the essential procedure stays the same, you may use some of the following ideas for the propagation of any plant.

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Andrew Flintoff

Andrew Flintoff is here! A well-known gardener and a published author. I have dedicated 17 years of my life to gardening and plantation work. to reveal my expertise, I created an online reading store where plant lovers can shop and read A to Z about gardening for FREE. Stay tuned to know more about me.

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